
The example commands in this section assume that you have not overriden the default lock annotation, daemonset name or namespace; if you have, you will have to adjust the commands accordingly.


You can test your configuration by provoking a reboot on a node:

sudo touch /var/run/reboot-required

Disabling Reboots

If you need to temporarily stop kured from rebooting any nodes, you can take the lock manually:

kubectl -n kube-system annotate ds kured weave.works/kured-node-lock='{"nodeID":"manual"}'

Don’t forget to release it afterwards!

Manual Unlock

In exceptional circumstances, such as a node experiencing a permanent failure whilst rebooting, manual intervention may be required to remove the cluster lock:

kubectl -n kube-system annotate ds kured weave.works/kured-node-lock-

NB the - at the end of the command is important - it instructs kubectl to remove that annotation entirely.

Automatic Unlock

In exceptional circumstances (especially when used with cluster-autoscaler) a node which holds lock might be killed thus annotation will stay there for ever.

Using --lock-ttl=30m will allow other nodes to take over if TTL has expired (in this case 30min) and continue reboot process.

Delaying Lock Release

Using --lock-release-delay=30m will cause nodes to hold the lock for the specified time frame (in this case 30min) before it is released and the reboot process continues. This can be used to throttle reboots across the cluster.